Student & Alumni dent25 Events

Student Events

Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the HKU Faculty of Dentistry will be adding to the spirit of celebration to mark the Faculty's 25th anniversary.

Faculty Graduation & Prize Presentation Ceremony 2007
6:45pm, 27 November 2007
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
Guest of Honour: The Hon. Rita Fan, HKSAR Legislative Council Convenor


Silver jubilee T-shirt design contest for faculty students


Roving Exhibitions

  • The HKU Students’ Union Dental Society, together with the Hong Kong Dental Association, held a 2-day public education event in the shopping arcade of Olympian City, Kowloon, on 6 and 7 October 2007. Photo coverage is available here.
  • The HKU Students’ Union Dental Society and the HKU Dental Alumni Association, together with the Hong Kong Dental Association, held a 2-day Annual Oral Health Exhibition of the Dental Public Health Committee of the HKU Students’ Union Dental Society in the shopping arcade of Olympian City, Kowloon, on 27 and 28 October 2007.


Faculty Graduation & Prize Presentation Ceremony 2006
6:45pm, 5 December 2006
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building


Find out what the HKUSU Dental Society is up to during the rest of the year

Alumni Events

Alumni of the HKU Faculty of Dentistry were invited to return to their alma mater to celebrate the Faculty's 25th anniversary. This was a fitting opportunity for Faculty alumni to remember their roots with pride and strengthen or renew bonds by meeting up with former teachers and catching up with colleagues and contemporaries.


Homecoming 2007

Faculty alumni from both undergraduate and postgraduate courses attended the Faculty of Dentistry Homecoming Reunion 2007 at the Silver Jubilee Gala Dinner, 18 November 2007, including a cohort of 20 from Class of 1985. “We were all proud to be a part of the Faculty’s jubilee celebrations,” says HKUDAA President, Dr SF Leung. “I hope alumni do not feel the need to wait another 25 years to organise a reunion!” Please e-mail Dr SF Leung at if you are interested in being a year-group representative for future reunion events.


Class of 1987
20th Anniversary

  • Reunion Dinner, 7 July 2007.


Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races 2007

  • HKUDAA Team, Tsimshatsui and Discovery Bay, June 2007.


Send the Faculty a message of congratulations or share your reminiscences


Support the next generation of dentists by making a donation to the Faculty
One-time and recurrent gifts from alumni will be matched by the Stanley Ho Alumni Challenge until October 2010. Donations may be tax-deductible and those not marked anonymous will be acknowledged in Faculty publications.


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