25-Year History

A Brief History of Our Time

The HKU Faculty of Dentistry celebrates its 25th birthday in 2007. Here is
a brief history of the Faculty and its establishment:


  • The Hong Kong Government proposes providing university dental education in Hong Kong


  • The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is chosen to provide dental education
  • A Dental Advisory Committee is established


  • Dental Studies at HKU admits the first batch of dental and paradental students


  • The Prince Philip Dental Hospital (PPDH) opens in Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island
  • The first batch of paradental personnel qualifies


  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry is established and is housed at the PPDH


  • The first batch of 70+ Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students graduates from the 4-year-4-month course
  • Taught postgraduate courses are offered


  • The first Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) candidate graduates
  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry hosts the annual meeting of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee for Dentistry


  • The first PhD dental candidates successfully defend their theses at HKU


  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry hosts the 11th International Conference on Oral Biology and 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Southeast Asian Division of the International Association for Dental Research

Early 1990s

  • The BDS course is extended to 5 years


  • The BDS Elective Programme starts, giving each undergraduate student the opportunity to spend 2-3 weeks at a dental school or institution abroad in Year 5


  • The first batch of students reading the 5-year BDS curriculum graduates


  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry becomes a Unitary Faculty, without separate departments


  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry introduces problem-based learning (PBL) in the undergraduate curriculum to promote student-centred life-long learning


  • The first batch of students reading the integrated PBL curriculum graduates


  • The number of BDS graduates exceeds 1000


  • dent25 Silver Jubilee celebrations start in November 2006


  • 25th Anniversary Year
  • The HKU Faculty of Dentistry hosts the 2nd International Conference on Evidence-based Advanced Dentistry

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